Loan Periods, Renewals, Fees, and more

Item TypeLoan PeriodCheckout LimitsOverdue FeesAdditional Requirements
Fiction4 weeksUnlimitedSee fine free policy.
Nonfiction4 weeksUnlimitedSee fine free policy.
Large Print Books4 weeksUnlimitedSee fine free policy.
Audiobooks4 weeksSee fine free policy.
NEW Fiction2 weeksSee fine free policy.
Magazines2 weeksSee fine free policy.
Music CDs2 weeks10 per cardSee fine free policy.
TV Series DVDs2 weeksSee fine free policy.
Nonfiction DVDs2 weeksSee fine free policy.
STEAM Kits2 weeks2 per cardSee fine free policy.18 and older
Early Literacy Kits2 weeks2 per cardSee fine free policy.
Wi-Fi Hotspots2 weeks1 per card$5 per dayFPPLD patrons 18 and older
DVDs/Blu-rays1 week10 per cardSee fine free policy.
NEW DVDs/Blu-rays1 week5 per cardSee fine free policy.
Roku Streaming Devices1 week1 per card$1 per dayFPPLD patrons 18 and older
VHS-to-Digital Converter Kit1 week1 per card$1 per dayFPPLD patrons 18 and older
Video Games1 week2 per cardSee fine free policy.
PlayStation VR Headset Kit1 week1 per card$5 per dayFPPLD patrons 18 and older
Meta Quest 2 VR Headset Kit1 week1 per card$5 per dayFPPLD patrons 18 and older
Chromebook Mobile Hotspot Kit2 weeks1 per card$5 per dayFPPLD patrons 18 and older

Types of materials that the Franklin Park Public Library District does not purchase may be
interlibrary loaned, but are limited to 2 (two) items per card.


Visit or call the Circulation Desk at 847-455-6016, ext. 1 or email at