Meeting Rooms

Our meeting rooms can be reserved by residents of the library district or by non-profit organizations in the community. To reserve a meeting room, interested parties can fill out an applicaton and provide details about the date, time, and purpose of the meeting. Depending on availability, the library offers two meeting rooms that can accommodate various group sizes and needs.

If you’d like to reserve a meeting room please review the Meeting Room Policy then, print and fill out the Meeting Room Application. You may fax it to 847-455-6299 or email it to, or fill out the form below.

Use of the meeting rooms for non-library sponsored programs and events will be governed by the following restrictions:

  1. Capacity
    • The small meeting room may be used by groups of one and up to 4 individuals.
    • The large meeting room may be used by groups, with a maximum capacity of 50 individuals.
  2.  Hours and Fees
    • The use of all meeting rooms will be limited to the regular open hours of the Library. This includes set up for meetings and events.
  3. The following individuals and groups are eligible to use the meeting rooms:
    • Residents of the Library District.
    • Non-profit organizations, groups, or agencies that serve the residents, businesses, and/or industries of the Library District.
    • The Library District reserves the right to deny use of meeting rooms to any person, persons, or group which had previously been irresponsible and/or violated policy regulations when using meeting rooms. Such denial of use is made by the Executive Director or the Board of Trustees.
  4. Exclusions for type of use of the meeting rooms include but are not limited to:
    • Meetings not open to the public.
    • Private social functions.
    • Ticketed events, events with entry fees.
    • Fund-raising events.
    • Partisan political events or electioneering.
    • Sales or promotion of items and/or services.
    • Events with live animals. Exceptions may be made for service animal organizations.
    • Gambling events, including lotteries and raffles.
    • Events with weapons displayed or demonstrated.
    • Events with programs and/or audience participation of high-risk injury, such as martial arts, acrobatics, gymnastics.
    • Events with programs and/or audience participation in which toxic, flammable, noxious, or corrosive chemicals are used, including paints, glues, and solvents.
    • A request to waive any of the foregoing restrictions and/or exclusions may be made to the Executive Director. Such requests must be submitted in writing no less than two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled room use. The Executive Director may waive or amend an exclusion(s).
  5. Frequency of use
    • The reservation of meeting rooms is done on a first come, first served basis.
  6. Scheduling procedures
    • Reservations may be made in person, by telephone, or email.
    • To apply, a representative of the group must contact the Programming Librarian at least one week prior to the event and fill out and sign a Meeting Room Application. The group and its representative must assume responsibility for damage to library property and other liability incurred by program or audience participants.
    • The Librarian will contact the representative to confirm the reservation. Filling out a Meeting Room Application does not guarantee a reservation.
    • Exceptions may be made for booking a room on the day of use on a case-by-case basis.
    • Reservations may not be made more than three (3) months in advance excepting by prior approval of the Executive Director.
    • Reservations may not be transferred to another person(s) or group.
  7. Other regulations governing use of meeting rooms:
    • Alcoholic beverages are not allowed. Smoking is not allowed.
    • Food preparation is not allowed. Food and beverages may be allowed in the meeting rooms on a case-by-case basis.
    • Noise must be held to a level that will not disturb library users and/or staff.
    • Nails, pins, tape (masking, transparent, adhesive, etc.), tacks or any other items that could cause damage or be attached to surfaces or equipment are not allowed.
    • Equipment or other items should not be left in a meeting room, unless prior permission is obtained from the Executive Director; the Library District will not be responsible for theft or any item left in a meeting room, even with proper permission.
    • Library staff may not have the time or expertise to assist with room set up or provide technical assistance with equipment.
    • Spills should be wiped up and all trash put in a proper receptacle.
    • Rooms should be tidied up as much as possible upon the end of use and furniture returned to its original set up.
    • Library equipment and furnishings may not be used for procedures that could damage them.
    • All electrical equipment must be Underwriters Laboratory (UL) approved.
    • No equipment, procedure, or activity may produce smoke and/or heat.
    • The emergency door of the large meeting room must be kept closed and locked – it is not an exit or entrance except in the case of an emergency, nor may it be used for ventilation.
  8. Parking:
    • Due to the limited number of parking spaces, groups of twenty (20) or more are asked to find alternate parking. Alternate parking lots are available near the library building. Handicapped spaces in the library parking lots are available to all.

Adopted November 8, 1994. Revised 7/26/2018. Latest revision 3/9/2023.


Visit or call the Info Desk at 847-455-6016 ext. 3, or email



Please be aware that submitting this form does not guarantee approval. The coordinating librarian will contact you regarding your meeting room request.

Please review our meeting room policy found here.