Get a Library Card

Who Can Apply

  • Any person eighteen years of age and older who lives within the boundaries of the Franklin Park Public Library District and has the proper documentation
  • Any person younger than eighteen years of age needs a parent or guardian present to apply
  • Non-resident property owners and business people are eligible for cards. Contact Patron Services at 847-455-6016 ext. 230 for specific policies.
  • Please only use your own library card, and not another person’s library card.

To apply for your library card:

  1. Bring your valid photo ID with your current Franklin Park address to the Patron Services Desk.
    • Acceptable forms of photo ID include: driver’s license, state ID card, consulate card, permanent resident card, passport, employer/school ID card.
    • If your photo ID does not show an address or if the address is not current, additional proof of residency is required. Bring in two of the following documents: real estate tax bill, telephone, gas, electric, or water bill, cable or satellite television bill, credit card bill, bank statement, or federal government or Illinois State document. All documents must be in your name and current.
  2. Upon completion of a registration card, you may checkout two items.
  3. A postcard will be sent to your address.
  4. Return the postcard within one month to receive your library card. At that time, the restriction of two items will be lifted.

To renew your library card

  1. Bring your valid photo ID with your current Franklin Park address to the Patron Services Desk.
    • Acceptable forms of photo ID include: driver’s license, state ID card, consulate card, permanent resident card, passport, employer/school ID card.
    • If your photo ID does not show an address or if the address is not current, additional proof of residency is required. Bring in two of the following documents: real estate tax bill, telephone, gas, electric, or water bill, cable or satellite television bill, credit card bill, bank statement, or federal government or Illinois State document. All documents must be in your name and current.
  2. If it has been several years since your card has expired, we may need to re-register your account, and begin the application process.
  3. Upon completion of renewal, your card will have an updated expiration date.
  4. You can immediately begin using your card for all the services and programs we offer. Renewing your library card will change the expiration date to 3 years from the day you renew.

To receive your library card on the same day:

Bring in three forms of identification:

  1. A current photo ID with your Franklin Park address. Acceptable forms of photo ID include: driver’s license, state identification card, consulate card, permanent resident card.
  2. Two of the following documents: real estate tax bill, telephone, gas, electric, or water bill, cable or satellite television bill, credit card bill, bank statement, or federal government or Illinois State document. All documents must be in your name and current.


Visit or call the Circulation Desk at 847-455-6016, ext. 1 or email at